2014-2015 Kentucky FFA Theme Announced
The 2014-2015 State FFA Officer Team announced that the state theme will be “Break Through.” The announcement was made Friday, September 5th at the Regional Officer Association Roundup (ROAR) in Hardinsburg, Kentucky.
According to State FFA President Austin Hazelwood the theme represents the team’s committment to moving Kentucky FFA forward. “Both chapters and individual members have things that keep them from acheiving their full potential. Maybe its fear of trying something new, limited resources, or just a lack of vision, but thes things hold us back. As we travel across the state promoting our theme, we hope members and chapter officers will identify ways that they can break through these limits take FFA to a new level.”
The theme will be incorporated into speeches and workshops presented by the State Officers throughout this school year and at the State FFA Convention in June of 2015.