Legislative Page Program
During the 2020 Legislative Session, kentucky Ag Education will be having a one day, Legislative Page program. Approximately 20 FFA members will be selected for this program.
Applications for the program will be accepted now through December 20. Participants will be notified of their selection by January 20. At that time, they will receive an assignment to complete prior to coming to Frankfort on February 26. Those selected will spend one day in Frankfort during the session. In addition to an educational program, they will have the opportunity to meet with their legislators and serve as a page during the session that afternoon. Following the program, participants will be expected to complete a follow up assignment with their Representative or Senator- this will include inviting them to visit their high school or attend a school event.
Participants will be expected to be in Frankfort by 8:00 a.m. on February 26 and will need to remain until approximately 4:00 p.m. Professional dress, grooming, and behavior are expected. While there is no cost to participate, participants will need to furnish their own transportation to and from Frankfort.
Applications are due December 20 and may be emailed to matt.chaliff@education.ky.gov or mailed to:
Kentucky FFA
300 Sower Boulevard
Frankfort, KY 40601